Some very springy scenery...

Pink baby pinecones! Click-zoom-in.

The greenhouses.

Almost as Zenny as the Japanese gardens.

In the clothing option section...


The main waterfall garden was drained for rework. But some of its little streams were running.

Blankets of colors

He was working on her neck when I first arrived. I was hoping they would do some mouth-to-mouth.

This couple only kissed at the command of their photographer.

Carolus Linneaus, the guy who made up the whole system for officially naming plants.

Go ahead Carolus, pick it! We know you want to.
(He's been trying for years!)
With no help from the Botanic Gardeners, I found these wild ones (escapees?) in a nearby wetland park that was scattered with old oaks.

(Chicago Botanic Garden - 04/22/06)