Monday, September 28, 2009


I've seen puffballs (Basidiomycota) this big before, but never when I had a camera.

I put a quarter on top, to give you an idea of its size.

You can see that some other photographer before me had put a smaller coin on it. I'm not sure if it was a nickel, penny, or dime. The puffball might have grown since its last photo shoot.

It looks like a crater on the moon.

I found it on a trail that had always been closed. It turned out that the sign had been relocated.

(Fel-pro RRR Park, Cary, Illinois, 09/27/2009)


Gel said...

I've never seen puffballs in the flesh. Interesting post.

Glowby said...

I returned last week. There wasn't a trace of it. When they're ripe, they're fun to kick around. Clouds of spores keep pouring out of them!